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Thursday, 9 December 2010

What's in the news?

Hello once again, I hope you are all well. I thought I would add an extra feature to my blog. This will be in the form of a weekly iPhone news bulletin. I am doing this because, at the moment, I have to read through around 9 different web sites in order to get all the relevant information. I think it is a lot easier to read the news from one location so from now on I will do a weekly news post towards the end of each week.

ETA for white iPhone 4.

There have been a lot of rumblings across the various boards this week in relation to the white iPhone 4. The general consensus of opinion is that it will not be released in the US until February at the earliest and even later in the UK. I am sorry to bring this news to those of you who are waiting.

IOS 4.3 is imminent.

This is quite a surprise considering we have only just had the latest Operating System upgrade. The release of IOS 4.3 looks likely to be early next week (week commencing Monday 13th December 2010). As yet there is no mention of the contents of this next upgrade other than the News based apps being run on a subscription base. I was hoping for more in the way of Air Print compatible printers but it looks as if I will have to wait.

iTunes US improvments.

iTunes (US) have increased the song preview length from 30 seconds to 90 seconds. This is a really nice change, lets face it you can't really preview a new song in 30 seconds. As is per the norm, the iTunes UK site has yet to be amended.

Infinity Blade released!

Wednesday night saw the release of the much hyped game , Infinity Blade. This is the first in a line of games to utilise the brilliant Epic Unreal 3 game engine. I downloaded it in the early hours of this morning and spent a few minutes messing around. As promised the graphics are amazing, below are 2 screen shots I took in game.

screen shot taken in game

screen shot taken in game

I will do a full review of Infinity Blade in the next few weeks but early impressions are that graphically  the game is going to be a benchmark for all future games. I never thought the day would come where I would be playing a game on a mobile phone where reflections and textures are so life like.
Infinity Blade is available on the App store and is priced at £3.49.

Well that is the news! I will be back over the weekend with another review so until then, stay safe and warm,


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