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Saturday, 11 December 2010

App of the week-Fizz Weather.

Good evening guys and gals, hope you have had a good day. To those of you who have done your Xmas shopping today I say, "would you do mine please" as I have yet to start! I usually leave it to the last moment and then panic but I WILL do mine this week coming! I also know what day I won't be doing my shopping because the weather forecast is terrible. So how do I know this fact?

Well I don't have access to any weather super computer but I do have an excellent weather app called,
Fizz Weather  which is available from the app store and costs £2.39.

If you are anything like me, you will have tried a whole host of different weather apps, some free and some paid. Most I have tried have been rubbish, either very inaccurate or prone to crashing but Fizz Weather has proved to be totally reliable and also very accurate.

Fizz Weather
What is Fizz Weather?

Developed by Fizz Software Ltd, it is a weather app that encompasses so many features it will keep even the most critical of users completely satisfied. Fizz Weather is a feature packed weather application which uses local weather stations, situated at airports, to provide a very accurate weather forecast.

How do I use Fizz Weather?

Firstly it has access to over 58,000 cities globally and it is one of the few that located the village where I live. You can either search manually or allow the app to search using the iPhone 4 GPS. I searched manually and within seconds it located my village. It also located 8 airports within a fairly close proximity, all of which provide weather forecasts used by the app.
Set up was easy for me as I don't travel much. I simply set it for my village, changed 1 or 2 features in the settings tab and I was ready to use it.
If you are a traveller both nationally and internationally, you can select and store a number of locations as well as the default. Selecting a stored location is easy within the menu.

What does Fizz Weather report?

It provides the user with a huge range of choices. Everything is done by a very slick, touch screen UI which is extremely user friendly. Below are just a few of the huge range of features that this app gives the user.

It will provide the current weather forecast.

current weather report
This page shows wind speed, wind direction, visibility, barometric pressure, humidity in %, sunrise and sunset times as well as the airports providing the forecast. Graphically it is very easy to understand but a nice touch is it displays either the sun or moon, dependant on the time of day, with appropriate weather graphics. This is also the default report screen for any of the huge range of forecasts.

It will provide a 2 day forecast.

2 day forecast
The 2 day forecast is self explanatory. You can tap on the mini icons to get the default weather screen with all the relevant information.

You also get a 5 day, 7 day and 15 day chart which are used in the same way. With these 3 settings you also get access to mini charts which show a variety of important information such as temperature, rainfall and wind speed trends.

Showing "mini chart"
If you turn the iPhone 4 horizontally you get the full screen weather charts.

full screen temperature chart

full screen rainfall chart.
You also get maps and satellite screens, there is a radar screen but that does not work in the UK at the moment.

map screen

satellite screen
 There are more features including information about flights from major airports but I think you get the picture.

Overall user experience.

For such a feature filled app, Fizz Weather is an absolute breeze to use. The UI is totally intuitive and  probably the best I have seen on any weather app.
Whilst this app reports on a whole host of weather information, that information is very easy to understand. The weather forecast is very accurate and I find myself turning to this app on a daily basis, particularly with the extremes of weather we get in the UK at this time of year!

So there you have it. A cracking app which I consider to be a "must have" on your device. Download it, you won't be disappointed! This app scores a maximum 5/5.

I will be back soon with another review so until then, stay warm and safe.


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